Creation: Our Shared Inheritance

Issachar Fund and Templeton Religion Trust

“Creation: Our Shared Inheritance” was an international conference designed to bring together the foremost Muslim and Christian scholars and practitioners to discuss Creation Care. This event took place in Spring 2015 in Istanbul, Turkey. Through this conference, we began an exploration of our joint stewardship of creation in light of expanding frontiers of science and technology and of developments and opportunities arising from them. We are convinced that the interfaith exploration of this subject is timely and will significantly contribute to the faith-based creation care conversation. Through the conference we sought to affirm that there is much in our respective Scriptures to inform and guide us on the path of pursuing our role as caretakers of creation in service to God and to one another.

Creation: Our Shared Inheritance was an international conference designed to bring together the foremost Muslim and Christian scholars and practitioners to discuss Creation Care. This event took place in Spring 2015 with an opening message from Ecumenical Patriach Bartholomew, which can be read here. Through this conference, we hope to begin exploration of our joint stewardship of creation in light of expanding frontiers of science and technology and of developments and opportunities arising from them. We are convinced that the interfaith exploration of this subject is timely and will significantly contribute to the faith-based creation care conversation. Through the conference we sought to affirm that there is much in our respective Scriptures to inform and guide us on the path of pursuing our role as caretakers of creation in service to God and to one another.

Conference Steering Committee Members

Abdullah T. Antepli
Chief Representative of Muslim Affairs
Duke Divinity School

Chaplain Omer Bajwa
Coordinator of Muslim Life
Yale University

Dr. Kurt Berends
Issachar Fund

Dr. Jonathan J. Bonk
Executive Director Emeritus
Overseas Ministries Study Center, New Haven
Research Professor of Mission
Boston University


Michael Glerup, Ph.D.
Executive Director
Center for Early African Christianity
Eastern University, St. Davids, PA


Dr. Sandra Toenies Keating
Associate Professor of Theology
Providence College


Dr. Charles F M Kingdon
Cambridge University

Dr. Lamin Sanneh

Professor, Yale Divinity
Yale University

Ambassador Sallama Shaker, Ph.D.

Full Clinical Professor of
Middle East & Islamic Studies
Claremont Graduate School

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